Jamie Lee Curtis Showed Her Body in Underwear, Posing without Makeup & Retouching after Hiding & Fee

Jamie Lee Curtis | Jamie Lee Curtis | Source: Getty Images | instagram.com/jamieleecurtis

  • Jamie Lee Curtis posted a "TBT" picture of herself in her underwear.
  • The actress opened up about her history with addiction.
  • Years after the photo was first published, Curtis is aging gracefully.

Jamie Lee Curtis has always been an outspoken public figure fighting to promote self-acceptance. The actress recently shared an image on her Instagram that was first published in the magazine "MORE" in 2002. Even then, Curtis wanted to spread awareness about body positivity and false advertisement.

Curtis also opened up about her own struggle with self-acceptance and addiction, claiming the two were intricately connected. Over the years, she has been remarkably candid about her road to recovery and her struggles with substance abuse, hoping to make a positive change by sharing her story.

Jamie Lee Curtis on January 08, 2020 in New York City | Source: Getty Images

Curtis has always struggled to accept herself the way she is, and aging has made it even more crucial. The actress opened up about how she deals with getting older and her changing body, noting that although she has always advocated for embracing who you are, she has struggled to live up to her own ideals.

Curtis Shows a TBT Pic of Her Body in Underwear That Changed Many Lives

Curtis's post consisted of two images contrasting each other. In the first, The "Freaky Friday" star posed casually in her underwear, while the second showed her in a flashy dress with a team touching up every aspect of her appearance crowded around her.

The article in "MORE" left Curtis more self-aware than ever and started "a cycle of shame and addiction."

Curtis explained, "I decided to out myself." The images were supposed to show the realities of advertising, revealing how regular people are made to look extraordinary for the sake of selling items and films. It was also an attempt to be open and honest about her own attempts to hide the effects of age.

Curtis linked the image to today's developing AI technology, explaining how deep fakes correlate to the world's growing tendency to alter pictures of themselves to fit societal expectations. The actress also expounded on her growing fears regarding these false images infiltrating the media.

Jamie Lee Curtis on January 08, 2020 in New York City | Source: Getty Image

In response to her post, many fans mentioned that Curtis helped them overcome their struggles with their looks. Curtis helped many of her fans overcome insecurity, and her fans praised her, writing, "You were the first celebrity I remember ever being this real. You are a true trail blazer." However, the original article attracted much controversy and led Curtis down a dark path.

Curtis Spoke Out about Her Addiction

The article in "MORE" left Curtis more self-aware than ever and started "a cycle of shame and addiction." Her family had a history of substance abuse, and Curtis soon fell into the same pitfalls, developing a dependency on opioids.

Slowly, with much effort and introspection, Curtis has managed to stay sober.

Jamie Lee Curtis on June 16, 2000 in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

It took the actress a long time to overcome her addiction, and just when she thought her battle was over, she realized there was still a long way to go. After almost six years of sobriety, Curtis discovered she was still deeply unhappy, yearning for something more. The actress recalled:

"I was successful and had all of these external things that I believed would make me happy. [But] I was feeling a lack of purpose and I was not happy. And I was forced to really look at that and go deeper."

Jamie Lee Curtis on May 15, 2017 in Los Angeles | Source: Getty Images

The only solution to her dilemma was taking a break from acting to gain a deeper understanding of addiction. Curtis went back to school, studying depth psychology so she could learn more about her condition and hopefully assist others going through the same things she was struggling with.

Aging Gracefully: Curtis Embraces Her Natural Self Even Though It's Not Easy

Slowly, with much effort and introspection, Curtis has managed to stay sober. The "Halloween" star has analyzed herself and her life and found new meaning. These days, she has a much more positive attitude toward her own body and its flaws. She mentioned:

"This word 'anti-aging' has to be struck. I am pro-aging. I want to age with intelligence and grace and dignity and verve and energy. I am an advocate now for natural beauty because I do feel there has been a genocide on natural beauty."

Jamie Lee Curtis on October 21, 2018 in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

Nonetheless, her journey to self-acceptance hasn't been easy, and Curtis confessed that she is still working on a few things. She commented, "When I get out of the shower, I turn my back on the mirror." That said, Curtis has found it helpful to focus on things that encouraged creativity and brought meaning to her life.
